Calculate your Discount

Please try our calculator and plug in the volume of your users using our software.

 Just allow a couple of seconds in time for the calculator to load for you.

Our discount percentages for user volumes are set our below.

In addition, we also wanted to reward users for not just using one product type but also a combined number of users on different product types.

For example, say your company has 30 users on Chatabox Lite and 48 users on FlowBizTM Designer, neither of these product types alone are eligible for a volume discount but when we combine your users together the total users are 78. This sees a 7.5% overall discount applied for your benefit.

Product Discount
(one of more product type*)
Discount %
Greater than 50 users 5% discount
Greater than 75 users 
7.5% discount
Greater than 100 users 10% discount

* We do not count different product lines of one product type for our multiple user calculation (as an example, we mean FlowbizTM Designer and FlowbizTM Tasker do not count as different product types given they are only different product lines).

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North Sydney NSW 2060

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