Angios LIC

Angios LIC is a regulatory management tool for your AFSL requirements.


Angios LIC

Users gain access to an adaptable and agile workflow solution, including reporting, made in seconds.

Angios LIC collapses the use of multiple disconnected, and costly, systems into a single, purpose built, software solution.

One source of truth for your licence compliance, risk and audit needs.

Gain substantial time and cost savings.


Key Features

A Centralised Solution to track and report on your AFSL’s Compliance, Risk and Audit Activities from one single software application.
Built for Australian licensees yet fit for purpose for other licensees with similar responsibilities in other jurisdictions. 

Users accelerate their audit and compliance programs by collapsing silos of information into one system. This facilitates real time insight into how you’re tracking and ensures the reporting of matters in a timely manner.

Licence compliance with a snapshot for you to meet your audit needs.

Our software is adaptable and offers the ability to add or change procedures, timings and reporting.


Our software allows for multiple user levels and access to all internal and external parties (including external auditors) for you to meet your compliance needs.

Cloud Based

Hosted securely within Australian on the Azure cloud or on your designated site, our solution can be accessed 24 hours from anywhere, anytime.

Automated Workflows

We have designed our software to capture automated workflows with AI logic for full automation so you don’t need to touch a button - we also allow critical users to manually input notes, add procedures and policies and conduct spot checks with ease.

Simple Fee Structure

Angios offers a monthly fee or yearly fee structure that is simple to understand and works with your budget.


You can drop documents and data in various formats into our software from anywhere and at any time.


A comprehensive contact management solution that tracks, manages, and automatically links specified contact information in one single spot.

Compliance Tracking & Monitoring

Our software has substantial workflow and automation features that integrates to produce various tracking and monitoring features. Our suite of fully linked Reports, Dashboards and Registers ensures that you have the data you need at your fingertips, particularly for Breach Reporting. 

User Controls

Unlimited users and collaboration, reports, audit logs, security and permissions and user details including phone numbers, email and addresses of users.

Multiple Dashboards

We have different dashboards, registers and reports in our software to drill down to ensure specific licence activities are met. For example, the Breach Register can sort categories and types of breaches and risk rate any activity.

Single Search

A search feature that allows you to search for emails, reports, files, and calendar items by typing in your query in the search box.

Drag and drop

Instantly drag and drop a document and link it to a contact, company, category or shared project entity and it will be automatically archived – making files quickly and easily retrievable.

File Notes

Get a complete notes management solution. Track personal and shared notes. Each note will include a time stamp and digital signature. Users can create a new note or append to an existing note.


The software offers multiple reports for users.

Document Management System

Have a single repository for your documents and collaborate on documents including check-in and check-out version controls.


Build templates in Microsoft Word and save them for use. Once created, you can automatically populate those fields in your template.


A high-level designed data and security structure ensures that your data and storage needs are met.

Audit Verification

Your Auditor has an integrity based portal and section for signoffs and ability to download their audit file needs in seconds to complete your audit.

Multi-Level Checks

Your software has multi-level verifications and checks that automate and semi-automate signoffs.


1-4 Users


$ 312AUD +GST 

per Licensee holder, per month, billed annually


$395AUD +GST per Licensee holder, per month, billed monthly.

Cloud based application

Automated features, tasks and reporting

Compliance, risk and audit framework

Compliance risk and audit dashboards

Adaptable procedures and compliance timings

1-4 users

Tri-level integrity checks and monitoring

Easy use interfaces and work tasks

Contact, Account Management

Tasks assignment

Multiple Reports

Customised Dashboards

Email connectivity and integration

Data storage for procedures, polices and checklists

User controls

External Auditor access

Audit logs

External Auditor dashboards

Risk reports

Compliance reports

Various general licence registers

Complaints registers


Help Desk Integration

Security & Permissions

Mobile Friendly Access

Help Desk

Data Included in pricing 4GB


Unlimited Users


$ 600AUD +GST 

per Licensee holder, per month, billed annually


$685AUD +GST per Licensee holder, per month, billed monthly.

Cloud based application

Automated features, tasks and reporting

Compliance, risk and audit framework

Compliance risk and audit dashboards

Adaptable procedures and compliance timings

Unlimited users

Tri-level integrity checks and monitoring

Easy use interfaces and work tasks

Contact, Account Management

Tasks assignment

Multiple Reports

Customised Dashboards

Email connectivity and integration

Data storage for procedures, polices and checklists

User controls

External Auditor access

Audit logs

External Auditor dashboards

Risk reports

Compliance reports

Various general licence registers

Complaints registers


Help Desk Integration

Security & Permissions

Mobile Friendly Access

Dedicated Account Manager

Data Included in pricing 8GB


Speak to us about your workflow customisation and your needs to cut back more of your workload.

Call now +61 2 9994 8062
to discuss your options

** Pricing is offered on a yearly basis or monthly basis at a Licensee’s election. A Licensee may upgrade their Plan at any time to change from a monthly payment plan to a yearly plan.
Yearly upfront payment plans cannot be changed until the end of the Plan’s 12-month term. All Prices exclude a Goods and Services Tax (GST) for each Plan and are in Australian dollars with a currency conversion required for overseas clients.
Australian clients only will pay a GST.  Licensees may open an account with us upon written approval. Data is included to the limit set in each Plan and any data used above these limits is passed on at $5 per GB if we are undertaking hosting activities.
The data limits above your Plan will be invoiced separately. We reserve the right to change our data charges in 14 days’ notice in the event of any changes from a hosting provider.

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Head Office

Ground Floor 
50 Miller Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

Werkflo Software Solutions
ABN 25 645 323 217

FlowBiz ABN 96 092 808 814

PO Box 1948
North Sydney  NSW 2059

Copyright (c) 2022 Werkflo


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Head Office: +61 2 9994 8062
Support: +61 7 3495 0224
Support Portal: Click here