Financial Services

Whether you want to use our platform for one or more of our software products, or you're looking for a customised solution, we can help. 

With so many solutions, we can save you time. 

Business automation leads to faster output and lower errors

The reduction of mundane tasks in financial services allows business to operate 24/7 and gain input without human intervention.

Changes to company results 

There is a strong correlation between customer experience and key financial indicators like sales growth and profitability from process automation contributing to the bottom line, while customer experience enables your organization to drive the top line.

The extraction of information for key decision makers changes business fundamentals  

When a financial services business harness and gain access to its information in a centralised way from across its business decisions are made in real time.   

Save time, cost and deployment

Werkflo helps with a platform solution for financial services companies by offering separate applications that save time, costs and deploy real time outputs.

Features for you

Centralised Workflows

We can help financial services companies centralise all their workflows and data through one platform in real-time to create a single source of truth as you scale.

Use Data in Real Time

You can monitor your businesses performance through dashboards, project plans and reports. Track workflows, KPI’s, projects, time, costs and more.  

Adapt to Change Quickly

Keep all your data and projects in one place, so you can always respond quickly. Never again lose data in old spreadsheets.

Save Time and Cost

When you collapse activities and workflows into a centralised platform solution you reduce time on mundane or repetitive tasks, cut error rates, highlight and collapse direct and indirect costs.


Standard and customizable dashboards based on your chosen product option that shows relevant information, such as recent sales, opportunities, or task charts. This way you can drill down to find specific user activities.

Eliminate Errors

A search feature that allows you to search for emails, reports, files, and calendar items by typing in your query in the search box. 

Drag and Drop

Instantly drag and drop a document and link it to a contact, company, category or shared project entity and it will be automatically archived – making files quickly and easily retrievable.

File Notes

Get a complete notes management solution. Track all personal and shared notes. Each note will include a time stamp and digital signature. Users can create a new note or append to an existing note.

Customised workflow and automation solutions

We can automate and talk to different systems that will enhance your business and management systems. We do this based on time and cost.

Document Management System

Have a single repository for your documents and collaborate on documents including check-in and check-out version controls. 


Build templates in Microsoft Word and save them in our product solutions. Once created, you can automatically populate those fields in your template.

Customise Your Needs

We can customise fields and tasks based on your chosen option. Some you can also do for yourself.


Grab pre-built reports spanning information on Chatabox. This way users can also create custom features on their reports.

Project Management

Create, share and manage projects as you need. Build workflows, store and track related documents, emails, notes, and other activities.

Follow Us


Head Office

Ground Floor 
50 Miller Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

Werkflo Software Solutions
ABN 25 645 323 217

FlowBiz ABN 96 092 808 814

PO Box 1948
North Sydney  NSW 2059

Copyright (c) 2022 Werkflo


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Head Office: +61 2 9994 8062
Support: +61 7 3495 0224
Support Portal: Click here